We provide ready-to-move in warehouses with Grade A specification sheds from 1,25,000 sq.ft. to 3,00,000 sq.ft

We provide ready-to-move in warehouses with Grade A specification sheds from 1,25,000 sq.ft. to 3,00,000 sq.ft
Contact :- Ajmeria Warehouse on +91 9960601613.
We will like to offer PEB Warehouse in our warehouse complex.
Area offered is Building No K
Possession : As per LOI
Ground floor :- Approx 1 Lakh ft sqft B/u
Our ware house is special with below features.
Height 40 ft side50 ft Center
Loading Unloading RCC Front Road
wide main RCC entry road.
Entry from Mumbai Nasik 6 Lane Highway. Traffic Free movement.
Torent Power supply.
Warehouse complex designed as per International Standered.
FLOOR :Trimax floor
Fire Hydrant
loading unloading bay.
Toilet for Staff and Labor
shutters size 10' X 12"
Flood history "NIL" since shed is near hill base.
sufficient Natural light as FRP sheet 5% of total roof area.
Roof slop 1 : 10
License Area Approx 1 lac sq ft built up area i.e. 80,000 sq ft carpet area.
Agreement Period 5 Years
Purpose of License Storage of Goods
License fees Rs. on request per sq.ft. per month on built up area all inclusive.
Height 40’ side and 50’ center height
Amenities to be provided by the Licensor without any charges.
Water Boring water will be provided by the Licensor.
Flooring FM2 flooring with capacity of 6 tons / sqm with sodium silicate densification.
For Site Visit or Inspection :
Please Note :- Require atleast 4-6hrs.
Notice Call / Message / Email / Whatsapp for Inspection!
Specialist in WAREHOUSE #HIGHWAY Property
Bhiwandi Property
Ajmeria Property
RERA No.A51312503226
Specialist In Commercial Properties
We are located in Bhiwandi, Near Mumbai!
For An Appointment Please Contact :
Ajmeria Property On 9960601613 / 9321620919